Author: Chris Anderson
The Long Tail written by Chris Anderson
This page shares a book Summaries I have compiled during my reading and research. I have tried to summarize whole book on few pages, which I think is a fun way to distil the main ideas of the book
Why this shift in the market demographics?
What is the meaning of 'Long Tail"?
Wow, that's pretty interesting! What was the reason for this unusual statistic?
How was the music world before the digital boom?
Any other factor you think had its own limitations before the internet era?
So what's wrong with that? I mean what is popular has to sell the most amongst all right?
So you call today's time as the Long T Age?
So does it mean that the number of producers has increased?
What about the profit considerations of the niches?
So how does the author categorize these Long Tail, aggregators? Aggregators fall into five categories:
So who does the marketing of these Long Tail players?
How is the satisfaction level of consumers in the Long Tail Market?
And what about the hits? Are they going to disappear?
With this, we come to an end of the book The Long Tail written by Chris Anderson, See you in the next Gistreads, if you like this Summery, please go ahead and buy the book from the given Link below, till then, be happy and keep reading, Goodbye and Take Care.
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The Long Tail
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