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That's a Heart: Handle with Care

Author: Priyanka bansal

That's a Heart: Handle with Care

That's a Heart: Handle with Care written by Priyanka bansal

Abhinav was getting late for office and was rushing, jumping and kicking all that was coming his way. He was about to board the bus when he was all under the garbage that was emptied on him, by mistake.

"What the hell? Who is up there?"

Abhinav there was staying in an apartment, provided by the office.

Finally, he decided to go up and check.

She broke down

He understood. Stopped giggling.

Kaira had tears.He continued.

He turned all his pockets inside and made a puppy face.

She was eagerly waiting for Abhi.

Seeing her moist eyes, he again changed the topic to make her giggle.

She was doing the same.Is he proposing?

She frowned with a surprise.

They decided to walk to his apartment.

Maya aunty sat by his side, rubbing his palms.

Now Kaira exploded.

A tight hug between both of them

He was serious for the first time.

She was shivering in anger

He broke the ice again Looking at Kaira he continued

!He didn't stop here.

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That's a Heart: Handle with Care

  • Category: Romance
  • Author: Priyanka bansal
  • Summery: 5 Pages
  • Total: 79 Pages